An introductory human anatomy drawing book for beginners of Rockhe Kim, published in Korea in 2019 and sold more than 100,000 copies.
Rockhe Kim has been giving drawing lectures on YouTube channel and worked on Marvel Comics. Especially in Korea, this book has become sensational and has established itself as a basic book for those who dream of becoming cartoon, character, and animation writers as well as drawing. In 2023, this book has been reborn as an English edition and will head to the United States, the home of animation. It is hoped that this book would become a pioneer in promoting ‘K-Drawing’ not only in the United States but also around the world.
Congratulatory Message
01 Figure Shaping
Shaping the Frame
Figure Shape’s Job Interview
1. Body Proportion Through Shapes
2. The Chest Box(Thoracic Cage)
3. Collarbone(Clavicle)
4. The Frame
5. Understanding the Pelvis
6. The Meeting Place for the Chest(Thoracic Cage) & Pelvis
7. Points of Leg Movement
8. The Importance of Weight Center
9. The Various Applications of Shaping
02 The Face
Facial Recognition
Drawing Faces is No Easy Task!
1. Facial Proportions
2. The Skull
3. The Necessity of “Siding”
4. Understanding the Face Through Shaping
5. The Eyes, Mouth, & Nose
6. Muscles in the Face & Expressions
7. Natural Hair Styles
8. Various Head Angles
9. Muscles & Movement of the Neck
03 Anatomy Drawing
Muscle Structure & Movement
Tips for Studying Muscles
1. Location & Usage of the Muscles in the Upper Torso
2. Arm Muscle Location & Use
3. Structure & Movement of the Hand
4. The Flow of the Arm
5. Leg Muscles: Location & Use
04 Understanding Anatomy Through Motion
The Collaboration Between Shaping & Anatomy
Now’s When the Real Battle Starts!
1. Standard & Applied Postures
2. Various Seated Positions
3. Running Stances
4. Midair Postures
5. Attack & Defense Postures
6. Kicking Postures
7. Punching Postures
8. 2-Person Motion
9. Weapons
10. Foreshortened Postures
05 Using the Basics For Your Character Concepts
The World of Characters
“What is creation,” you ask?
1. Heroes & Protagonists
2. Fantasy Characters
3. Mechanical Characters
● Paper book: 392 pages
● Language: English
● Dimensions: 297*210*30mm
● ISBN: 9788931586176